Experimental Capabilities
In-house capabilities of our group:
Cryogenic equipment:
Cryomagnetics 9T superconducting magnet with variable temperature insert (1.5 K - 300 K)
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) (shared with Wu group and other faculty at the Department of Physics & Astronomy) equipped with rotator probe
Scanning Probe Microscopy:
Oxford Instruments Asylum Research Cypher S AFM
Van der Waals heterostructure assembly:
Four-port inert atmosphere glovebox with extra depth (1000 mm) with solvent trap (M-Braun Unilab Pro)
Home-built 3-axis motorized transfer stage with high-power microscope integrated inside the glovebox (Thorlabs, Olympus)
Optical microscopy:
Nikon LV150
Olympus BXM-F
Stereo microscope AM Scope
Low noise electronics:
SMUs: Keithley 2450
Lock-in amplifiers: Stanford Research Systems SR830s and SR860s
Current amplifiers: Ithaca DL1211
Voltage amplifiers: SR560
National Instruments NI DAQ cards
PNA: Agilent E8362B 10 MHz – 20 GHz PNA Series Network Analyzer
3D printer from Bamboo Lab: our lab uses it to prototype any custom parts of equipment we need to fabricate
Wet chemistry suite: we use various chemicals to prepare resists, make stamps for the transfer stage, perform liftoff and surface cleaning, as well as work with ionic liquids and polymer electrolytes
Oxygen plasma system for substrate cleaning
Spin coater for electron beam lithography and photoresist spin coating: substrate size - from chip size to 4-inch wafers
Coming soon:
High-pressure setup with optical readout of pressure
High-pressure setup for nanoscale device measurements at low temperatures
Our group is also very actively using shared facilities at KU
KU Nanofabrication Core Facility:
Electron beam evaporator (Thermionics VE-100)
Wafer dicing
Wet and dry etching
Nanosurf AFM
Hitachi environmental SEM
A full list of equipment can be found here: https://nanofab.ku.edu
KU Microscopy and Analytical Imaging Core Facility:
SEM: Hitachi S4700 Cold-Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Electron beam lithography (EBL): our group owns and develops processes for the Nabity NPGS system installed on Hitachi S4700 at MAI
KU Physics & Astronomy Machine Shop:
We fabricate custom parts of our equipment (transfer stage, glovebox, cryogenic inserts) using this facility
KU Electronics Shop:
We work with experts in ourelectronics shop when we need to fabricate advanced electronics components for our measurement setups